On Ella's driver side door, there was a bit of tape curving out from underneath the window scraper. Being detail oriented, this deviation from the beautiful lines of the car really bothered me.
I was prepared for this to be a big task, and figured I would do it while replacing the door handle seals. I removed the inner door panel and door handle, but I still could not see how to remove it. There is a little black plastic piece at the front end of the window scraper, so I thought "if I remove that, maybe something will be more obvious". Pull...snap/crack...expletive...retreat...search for answer on web and fail...ask for help on rennlist (thank you rennlisters)...success!

In case anyone else is retracing my steps, it is unbelievably easy to remove this window scraper. Pull up on it starting at the rear of the door and it will pop out quite easily.
I plan to do this every time I wax the car to prevent wax build-up along this joint.
That little broken piece (993-531-429-02) from the front of the window scraper is turning out to be a little difficult to find in stock. Either lots of people break theirs...or no one does :-).