Wheels have been Ella's weakest link ever since I purchased her. The original equipment 17" wheels were, in my opinion, too small for the 993's wheel arches and their finish was also in poor shape. Almost immediately, I began searching for replacements. In January 2013, I bought a used set off eBay. While the size and style were perfect, the wheels were beat-up.
Click past the break to see the before and after photos.
Pitting and damage on the outer lip. |
Stained and cracked paint. |
A bad case of curb rash. |
After refinishing, the wheels are nearly flawless! While not a steal, the purchase + refinishing cost was reasonable. It is incredible what the wheel repair guys can accomplish.
Flawless new finish! |
The outer lip is perfect! I can't even find the spot for the curb rash to do a before/after photo. |
Great job on the wheels. I changed my Cups for 996 turbo twists they look much better but also need some work.